
The need for self-discovery is a primal force, furthering the exploration of the soul. Ancient divination modalities are celebrated in resurgence, holding respect as tools for guidance. Astrology is one such tool, a potent key to unlocking mysteries.

Madeline Youngstrom is a practitioner of modern western astrology, influenced in traditional. She’s been studying astrology for 25 years, having an early introduction to the eerily relevant symbolism that astrology can provide. She’s learned from the best teachers and mentors the Twin Cities has to offer and is certified NCGR Level 1.

Madeline, naturally empathetic, navigates individual charts to help clients get to the heart of the matter. She reveals long-standing patterns and the root of family dynamics, based on the natal birth chart. Vulnerabilities and challenges the birth chart depicts may solve current conundrums. Strengths and good fortune shown in the chart can aid in achieving goals, illuminating hidden talents.

Many areas of inquiry, such as career direction and love life, may be addressed in a chart reading. She uses natal birth charts, coupled with timing techniques to give the whole picture for the client. She offers readings for individuals and also synastry, analyzing how two individuals interact with one another.